usi kurs shag und balboa

Learn Shag & Balboa at USI Innsbruck

Teachers: Juls & Sirom

Wednesday, 20:30 – 22:00 h

Start: 29.05.24

5 Dates

Join us for a short swing dance course and get to know two special swing dances:
Collegiate Shag and Balboa.

They are elegant, energetic and dynamic, are danced to faster music and are a lot of fun.
The course is aimed at all beginners who want to swing and groove.

No previous dancing experience necessary – registration is also possible without a dance partner. We decide who follows and who leads during the course. We change dance partners during the course.

Dates: 29.05., 05.06., 12.06., 19.06, 26.06

Registration exclusively via USI Innsbruck.